Progress of a marriage: "There was a time when you couldn't make me happy. Now the time has come when you can make me unhappy."
Irving Layton

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Special Thanks Go To

I would like to thank the following persons for sending usefull information/bug reports. (in no particular order):

Matthew Clark (EamonNag WebMaster), Greg Boettcher, Peter Mattssons, David Whyld, A Ninny, and of course all the anonymous Beta-Testers!

Thanks also to everyone that sent an email without saying their names (which are quite few... you silly you) ;)

Server Date & Time

2024-05-17 16:34

IFReviews Dictionary

- To front; to face in position; to meet or encounter face to face.
- To face in defiance; to confront; as, to affront death; hence, to meet in hostile encounter.
- To offend by some manifestation of disrespect; to insult to the face by demeanor or language; to treat with marked incivility.
- An encounter either friendly or hostile.
- Contemptuous or rude treatment which excites or justifies resentment; marked disrespect; a purposed indignity; insult.
- An offense to one's self-respect; shame.

Duplicita: Episode 1

    Sean Hwang; Doug Lindsay


    Authoring System

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