He who allows oppression shares the crime.
Desiderius Erasmus

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2 Stars IFReview Rating On Optimism

IFReviewed by James Mitchelhi on 2006-10-16 05:52 

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Tim Lane


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IFR Overall Rating
3 Stars IFR Overall Rating

Dear Tim,

Please don't spew your angst all over us. I don't care if it's based on real life experiences, or if you're just imagining these situations. They may be important to you, but they're not very interesting. Share this with your therapist or support group if you want. A therapist is at least paid to read these things. For the rest of us it's very, very boring. Your prose is substandard and didactic. Your poetry is adolescent and immature.

You get one point since you seem to have coded it well and another because your writing, while awful, at least looks as if you proofread.

Don't feel too bad about this response. Angst is something a lot of writers find themselves mired in for a while. I'm sure you'll grow out of it. Most people do.

Sincerely, James.

James Mitchelhi Profile

IFReviewer Rating
3 Stars IFReviewer Overall Rating

Name James Mitchelhi
Gender Male

Also IFReviewed by

Sam Kabo Ashwell