However confused the scene of our life appears, however torn we may be who now do face that scene, it can be faced, and we can go on to be whole.
Muriel Rukeyser

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4 Stars IFReview Rating Solitary

IFReviewed by Greg Boettcher on 2006-05-22 08:48 

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IFR Overall Rating
4 Stars IFR Overall Rating

Solitary is a one-room character study of an 18-year-old female freshman in college who is having problems with her boyfriend (or ex-boyfriend?), James. While the game has flaws, it's a decent first effort for a new author, and might interest some people.

The gameplay consists of examining and interacting with the items around you, thinking about things (THINK ABOUT [topic], WHO IS [person]), and ultimately performing the necessary actions to win the game. In the course of all this, you get a fair number of details about your character and the important people in her life.

The game's biggest flaw is that it includes an unpleasant (and totally unnecessary) guess-the-verb moment. On the other hand, the game partly makes up for this by including a hint system. It's a hint system with an unusual format, but I thought it worked pretty well.

Is there enough detail in this game to make you care about the characters? I don't know. I'm giving the game a thumbs-up, but it's not an enthusiastic thumbs-up. I'd like to see more from the author next time.

Maybe the no-NPCs format just isn't well-suited to a purely character-oriented piece like this. Maybe for me to get involved with such a character-oriented piece, I need to see the characters in action, as in Rameses. I don't know.

Still, if my description of this game interests you at all, I'd encourage you to give it a try.

    Greg Boettcher Profile

    IFReviewer Rating
    5 Stars IFReviewer Overall Rating

    Name Greg Boettcher
    Gender Male